
Fastrax IT430 OEM GPS接收解决方案

Fastrax公司的 IT430是 OEM GPS接收器模块,采用最新的SiRF GSD4e芯片提供SiRFstar IV接收器功能,外型尺寸只有9.6x9.6x1.85mm,提供了低功耗和弱信号时非常快的TTFF和跟踪性能,以满足最严格应用要求。跟踪灵敏度达-163dBm,48通路,工作电压1.71-1.89V,天线增益范围0-25dB。本文介绍了IT430主要特性和指标,方框图,参考电路图以及AP430 应用电路板电路图和材料清单,PCB布局图。

Fastrax IT430 OEM GPS Receiver

The Fastrax IT430 is an OEM GPS receiver module, which provides the SiRFstar IV receiver (refI) functionality using the state of the art SiRF GSD4e chip (ROM variant). The module has ultra small form factor 9.6x9.6 mm, height is 1.85 mm nominal (2.15 mm max). The Fastrax IT430 receiver provides low power and very fast TTFF together with weak signal acquisition and tracking capability to meet even the most stringent performance expectations.

The module provides complete signal processing from antenna input to host port in either NMEA messages (ref II) or in SiRF OSP binary protocol (ref III). The module requires a single power supply VDD +1.8V. The host port is configurable to UART, SPI or I2C during power up. Host data and I/O signal levels are 1.8V CMOS compatible, inputs are 3.6V tolerable.

