
NXP SSL2103可调光LED照明方案

NXP公司的SSL2103用于可调光LED照明的开关电源(SMPS)控制器,是一款多用途AC/DC LED照明控制器, 具有更宽的功率适用范围和更好的调光兼容性,令其适用于可调及不可调LED照明灯。SSL2103针对更高功率的LED照明灯具(PAR20、PAR30和PAR38)而设计,为LED灯具设计者在功率、外形尺寸及调光控制方面提供完全的灵活性。本文介绍了SSL2103主要特性和优势, 方框图以及降压稳压器配置图和反激电源配置图.

SSL2103 is a Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC designed for LED lighting applications. It is an extension of the NXP SSL2101/SSL2102 product platform,allowing easy design of derivative applications.When used in combination with a phase cut dimmer connected directly to a rectified mains, it provides dimmability to the application.In dimmer applications, integrated dedicated circuitry optimizes the dimming curve.

• SSL2101: fully integrated LED driver for lamps up to 10 W

• SSL2102: fully integrated LED driver for lamps up to 25 W

• SSL2103: gives the application designer flexibility permitting the:

control of an external power switch to allow the IC to provide any power

control of external bleeder transistors to provide extended dimmer interoperability


Easy migration to existing lighting control infrastructures, TRIAC and transistor

