
AnalogicTech AAT3698-1(2)1.6A线性锂电池充电方案

AnalogicTech公司的 AAT3698-1/-2 BatteryManager™是单节锂离子/锂聚合物电池线性充电器,输入电源为USB端口,或输入电压高达7.0V的AC适配器。为安全起见,AAT3698- 1/-2还包括高达28V的过压保护。LDO输出5V/50mA,可编程快速充电电流从50mA到1.6A,主要用在蓝牙手机,耳机及配件,数码相机,手机,PDA,MP3播放器等。本文介绍了AAT3698-1/-2主要特性,功能方框图,典型应用电路以及AAT3698-1/-2评估板电路图和评估板材料清单(BOM)。

1.6A Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger in 3x3 TDFN

The AAT3698-1/-2 BatteryManager™ is a single-cell lithium-ion (Li-Ion)/Li-Polymer battery charger IC designed to operate from a USB port or AC adapter with an input voltage of up to 7.0V. For increased safety, the AAT3698- 1/-2 also includes over-voltage input protection (OVP) up to 28V.

The AAT3698-1/-2 precisely regulates battery voltage for 4.2V Li-Ion/Polymer battery cells through a low RDS(ON) switch. The charging current can be set by an external resistor up to 1.6A. If an over-voltage condition occurs from the input, the series switch quickly opens and a fault flag is activated, preventing damage to the battery and the charging circuitry.

