
Infineon EconoDUAL3 600A1200V汽车驱动方案

Infineon 公司的EconoDUAL 3模块是600A/1200V的IGBT,主要的典型应用包括自动驱动系统的频率变换器,光伏电压系统的中央逆变器,汽车柴油发动机驱动器(CAV),同等封装尺寸,可增加功率30%.本文介绍EconoDUAL 3模块主要特性,典型应用电路以及EconoDUAL™3模块驱动板主要特性,评估板电路,以及IGBT各种驱动电路和驱动板材料清单(BOM).

The new EconoDUAL 3 module with the designation FF600R12ME4 is at present the most powerful product in the popular EconoDUAL family, offering 600A in 1200V. Typical applications are frequency converters in automation drive systems, central inverters in photovoltaic systems, and diesel generator drives in vehicles (CAV). The optimised module design with regard to interconnection technology and thermal resistance, results in high current utilisation and thus high efficiency. With the EconoDUAL 3 FF600R12ME4, the user can increase the power range by up to 30%, while the package dimensions remain the same. In addition to the familiar soldered version of the control contacts, the highly reliable PressFIT contact technology has been introduced in the EconoDUAL 3 family.

