
Microchip dsPIC33F GS系列1KVA离线UPS参考设计

Microchip 公司的dsPIC33F GS系列是高性能数字信号处理器(DSC), 具有40 MIPS性1,以及4路硬件DMA,多达85个可编程数字I/O引脚,丰富外设特性,多达9个PWM产生器,4个高速模拟比较器和高速10位ADC等,主要用在AC/DC转换器,汽车中的HID,电池充电器,DC/DC转换器,数字照明和UPS等.本文介绍采用dsPIC33F GS系列的1KVA 离线UPS参考设计各部件的基本原理,方框图,电指标和详细的电路图.

Microchip’s Digital Pure Sine Wave Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Reference Design is based on the dsPIC33F “GS” series of digital-power Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). This reference design demonstrates how digital-power techniques when applied to UPS applications enable easy modifications through software, the use of smaller magnetics, intelligent battery charging, higher efficiency, compact designs, reduction in audible and electrical noise via a purer sine-wave output, USB communication and low-cost overall bill-of-materials. This reference design is Royalty Free.

An Uninterruptible Power Supply, or UPS, is an electronic device that provides an alternative electric power supply to connected electronic equipment when the primary power source is not available.

