
Fairchild FAN6982多级电源CCM PFC控制方案

Fairchild 公司的FAN6982是多级开关电源的连续导通模式(CCM) PFC控制器,包括有实现前沿,平均电流,”增强”型功率因素修正,使得电源完全和IEC1000-3-2规范兼容,可编程开关频率50kHz到130kHz,宽范围通用AC输入电压,最大占空比97%,能节省54个外接元件,主要用在台式PC电源,互网服务器电源,LCD TV/监视器电源以及DC马达电源.本文介绍FAN6982主要特性, 功能方框图, 增益调制方框图和典型应用电路.

Fairchild Semiconductor Minimizes Power Losses in Multi-Stage Power Supplies CCM PFC Controller Eliminates 54 External Devices

The FAN6982 is a 14-pin, Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) PFC controller IC intended for Power Factor Correction (PFC) pre-regulators. The FAN6982 includes circuits for the implementation of leading edge, average current, “boost”-type power factor correction, and results in a power supply that fully complies with the IEC1000-3-2 specification.

A TriFault Detect™ function helps reduce external components and provides full protection for feedback loops such as open, short, and over voltage. An overvoltage comparator shuts down the PFC stage in the event of a sudden load decrease. The RDY signal can be used for power-on sequence control. The EN function can choose to enable or disable the range function. FAN6982 also includes PFC soft-start, peak current limiting, and input voltage brownout protection.

