
PowerInt TOP266VG 30W电源参考设计

PowerInt 公司的TOPSwitch-JX系列产品具有高性价比,集成了725V 功率MOSFET,高压开关电流源,多模式PWM控制,振荡器,热关断电路,故障保护以及其它控制电路。在265VAC时无负载的功耗小于100mW,工作频率132kHz,降低变压器和电源尺寸。本文介绍了TOPSwitch-JX系列产品主要特性,功能方框图,以及高效19V 65W电路图和无负载功耗非常低的高效12V 30W电路图,采用TOPSwitch®-JX TOP266VG的30W电源参考设计主要特性,电路图和所用材料清单(BOM)。

TOPSwitch-JX cost effectively incorporates a 725 V power MOSFET, high voltage switched current source, multi-mode PWM control, oscillator, thermal shutdown circuit, fault protection and other control circuitry onto a monolithic device.


EcoSmart® - Energy Efficient

• Energy efficient over entire load range

• No-load consumption below 100 mW at 265 VAC

• Up to 750 mW standby output power for 1 W input at 230 VAC

High Design Flexibility for Low System Cost

• Multi-mode PWM control maximizes efficiency at all loads

• 132 kHz operation reduces transformer and power supply size

• 66 kHz option for highest efficiency requirements

• Accurate programmable current limit

• Optimized line feed-forward for line ripple rejection

