
ADI AD8280锂离子电池组监视方案

ADI公司的 AD8280是锂离子电池组监视器,可输入六组电池,有两个温度传感器。电源电压从6V到30V,可调整电池阈值,具有超压/欠压/超温保护功能,扩展的温度-40℃到105℃,主要用在锂离子电池监视器以及锂离子电池阈值检测。本文介绍AD8280主要特性,方框图,典型应用电路以及多个AD8280菊花链接图。

The AD8280 is a hardware-only safety monitor for Lithium Ion battery stacks. The part has inputs to monitor six battery cells and two temperature sensors (either NTC or PTC thermistors).

The part is designed to be daisy chained with additional AD8280’s to monitor a stack of significantly more than six cells, but without the need for numerous isolators. Its output can be configured for independent or shared alarm state.

The part functions independently from a primary monitor, such as the AD7280, containing its own reference and LDO, both of which are powered completely from the battery cell stack. The reference, in conjunction with external resistor dividers, is used to establish trip points for the over/under-voltages. Each cell channel contains programmable de-glitching (D/G) circuitry to avoid alarming from transient input levels.

