
Infineon TLD5085EJ 1.8A功率LED驱动方案

Infineon 公司的TLD5085EJ 是否1.8A DC/DC降压转换器Infineon®功率LED驱动器,输入电压从4.75V到45V,恒流或恒压调整, 370 kHz开关频率,PWM调光,输出电流误差± 2%,主要用于汽车照明,大功率LED应用,恒流和恒压源.本文介绍TLD5085EJ主要特性, 方框图, 降压稳压器方框图, 恒压模式和恒流模式应用方框图.

TLD5085EJ:1.8A DC/DC Step-Down Converter Infineon® Power LED Driver The TLD5085EJ is a smart LED buck converter with an integrated power-switch, capable of driving up to 1.8A load current with excellent line and load regulation. The main function of this device is to step-down the input voltage and regulating a constant LED current. The constant current regulation is especially beneficial for LED color accuracy and longer lifetime. The TLD5085EJ also has a PWM input which can be used for LED dimming. The switching frequency of 370kHz allows to use small and inexpensive passive components. An Enable function is implemented to reduce the shut-down current consumption to typ. 0.1μA. This IC is suited for use in the harsh automotive environments and provides protection functions such as current limitation and overtemperature shutdown. The integrated soft-start feature avoids a current and voltage overshot at the output during start-up of the device.


