
Wolfson WM8783立体声96kHz模数转换方案

Wolfson 公司的WM8783是立体声低功耗96kHz取样的模数转换器(ADC),是高保真度音频ADC,SNR达到95dB,有两个模拟音频输入,I2S数字音频接口,取样频率从8kHz 到96kHz,主要用在LCD TV,STB和DVD刻录机.本文介绍WM8783主要特性,方框图, 外接元件框图以及评估板WM8783-6252-D8-EV1详细电路图和所用材料清单.

WM8783: Stereo Low Power 96kHz ADC

The WM8783 is a compact, low cost ADC designed for set-top boxes and DVD applications. Stereo analogue inputs accept 1Vrms line level inputs; the Hi-Fi ADCs output 24-bit stereo data on the I2S digital audio interface.Sample rates from 8kHz to 96kHz are supported; this is configured automatically according to the external master clock (MCLK) frequency.A power on reset (POR) circuit ensures correct start-up and shut-down. The device is held in reset when MCLK is not present, offering a low-power standby state.

The WM8783 is supplied in an 8-pin SOIC package.


Hi-fi audio ADC (95dB SNR -‘A’weighted)

2 analogue audio inputs

I2S digital audio interface - sample rates 8kHz to 96kHz

Automatic clocking configuration from MCLK and LRCLK

Integrated voltage reference circuits

8-pin SOIC package


LCD televisions

Set-top boxes (STB)

DVD recorders

