
Infineon BCR450 LED驱动方案

Infineon 公司的BCR450 特别适合和外接功率晶体管一起驱动大于100mA的LED,有可能达到2.5A. BCR450的电流高达85mA,可以单独使用.工作电压8-27V,具有非常低的待机电流,典型应用在通用照明,建筑物照明,交通工具如火车和飞机照明,通用恒流源,工业应用的LED控制器.本文介绍BCR450主要特性, 方框图, 电测试电路图,”单独使用”模式的应用电路, BCR450评估板电路图, 以及BCR450和OSRAM Platinum Dragon的大功率 LED应用电路与板布局图和材料清单(BOM).

The BCR450 is a LED driver IC optimized for usage with an external power transistor for driving LED’s above 100mA. For currents up to 85mA the BCR450 can be used in stand alone operation. The output current level can be adjusted with an external sense resistor.

The IC can be switched on and off by an external signal, which is also suitable to regulate brightness of the LEDs by PWM dimming.

The precise internal bandgap stabilizes the circuit and provides stable current conditions over temperature range.

Additional features are included to protect the LED’s from overload, short circuit events as well as from over voltage. The LED’s can be also protected against thermal overload by thermally coupling the LED’s to the BCR450.


•Low voltage drop across sense resistor, 0.15 V typical

•High output current precision

