
Jennic JN5148 ZigBee PRO网络应用方案

Jennic 公的JN5148是超低功耗高性能无线控制器,目标应用于 ZigBee PRO网络.器件采用增强的32位RISC处理器, 集成了2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4兼容的收发器,128KB ROM, 128KB RAM,以及各种丰富的模拟和数字接口. JN5148具有28位AES安全处理器,MAC加速器,500和667kbps数据速率,工作电压2.0V到3.6V,主要应用在ZigBee PRO网络,智能读表如AMR,家庭和建筑物自动化,工业系数,远程信息处理,遥控,游戏外设等.本文介绍了JN5148主要特性,方框图, 单端无线电架构图, 基带处理器框图, 安全处理器架构, SPI外设连接图, 定时器单元和UART方框图, 模拟外设方框图和PCB天线参考模块电路图以及元件列表.

The JN5148-001 is an ultra low power, high performance wireless microcontroller targeted at ZigBee PRO networking applications. The device features an enhanced 32-bit RISC processor offering high coding efficiency through variable width instructions, a multi-stage instruction pipeline and low power operation with programmable clock speeds. It also includes a 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant transceiver, 128kB of ROM, 128kB of RAM, and a rich mix of analogue and digital peripherals. The large memory footprint allows the device to run both a network stack, e.g. ZigBee PRO, and an embedded application or in a co-processor mode. The operating current is below 18mA, allowing operation direct from a coin cell.

