
Maxim MAX6948高效PWM LED驱动方案

Maxim 公司的MAX6948是高效GPIO外设PWM LED驱动器,包含有5个通用输入/输出端口(GPIO),用来驱动多达6串白光LED(WLED). MAX6948集成了2MHz的升压转换器,内置10位PWM控制以提高效率,工作电压2.7V到5V.本文介绍了MAX6948主要特性,功能框图, 简化I/O端口电路图和典型应用电路.

The MAX6948B general-purpose input/output (GPIO) peripheral drives a series string of white LEDs (WLEDs), and contains up to five general-purpose input/output (GPIO) ports to drive additional LEDs.

The integrated 2MHz boost converter minimizes the size and cost of external components and supplies 30mA of load current at up to 28V. The converter is stable under all load conditions from 5V up to 28V and includes open-circuit detection to prevent damage to the IC. An I²C-programmable 10-bit pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal enables 1024 levels of WLED intensity.

