
On Semi NCP5680高效白光LED驱动方案

On Semi公司的NCP5680是大功率电荷泵驱动器,专用用来向大型Super Cap电容进行充电,内置的DC/DC转换器基于1X,1.5X和2X的高效电荷泵架构,支持双功率闪光和火炬. NCP5680的工2.7V到5.5V,可编程SuperCAP充电电流,集成了光检测功能,内置短路保护功能,主要用于手提闪光灯和照相手机闪光灯.本文介绍了NCP5680主要特性,方框图, 双白光LED驱动电路, 基本功率闪光应用电路和全功能应用电路.

The NCP5680 product is a High Power charge pump driver dedicated to the recycling of a large Super Cap capacitor. The built−in DC/DC converter is based on a high efficient charge pump structure with 1X, 1.5X and 2X operating modes. It supports double power flash LED and torch operation. The controller is designed to properly drives large external NMOS device with accurate control of the peak current flowing into the LED. Also, the chip includes Open Load and Overload Detection circuit to protect the system against faults at Vout or LED level.


2.7 to 5.5 V Input Voltage Range

Dual Power Flash LED Capability

Integrated Overload Protection

Selectable Flash/Torch Mode of Operation

Programmable SuperCAP Re−cycling Current

Capable to Share the DC Voltage to Supply Peripheral Circuits

Indicator LED Function

Integrated Photo Sense Function

Support Camera Strobe

