Powerint 公司的DER230是采用TOP256EN的40W高效电源参考设计,主要用于迷你型笔记本电脑适配器.通用电压90-265VAC输入,满负荷是的效率大于86%,230VAC时无负载的功耗低于120W,超过USA能源和能源之星EPS v2, EU CoC v4 和EuP Tier 2规范要求, 满足EN55022B的EMC要求,并有8dB的富余量.本文介绍了DER230 40W电源参考设计的主要优势和指标,以及参考设计的详细电路图和所用材料清单.
40 W Power Supply Using a TOP256EN for Mini Notebook Adapter
Low cost, low parts count
High full load efficiency at 115 VAC / 60 Hz (>86%)
High active mode efficiency at 115 VAC / 60 Hz (>87%)
Exceeds USA Energy Independence and Security Act 2007 of 83%
Exceeds Energy Star EPS v2 requirement of 85.3%
Exceeds EU CoC v4 and EuP Tier 2 requirement of 85.3%
Low no-load consumption <120 mW at 230 VAC
High light-load efficiency
Tight primary sensed output overvoltage protection
Auto-restart output overvoltage protection and output overload protection
Auto-restart auto-recovery output short circuit protection
Meets EN55022B conducted EMC with >8 dB margin