
Microchip dsPIC DSC离线1KVA UPS参考设计

UPS(不间断电源)电源是在主电源不能供电时能够提供持续稳定不间断的电源供应的重要外部设备.UPS按工作原理分成离线式、在线式与在线互动式三大类.UPS有着广泛的用途,从小功率个人电脑到中功率如医疗设备,生活支持设备,数据存储和能量设备到大功率如通信设备,工业生产和在线管理系统等.本文首先介绍了UPS的基本情况和基本驱动电路.接着介绍采用Microchip的SMPS dsPIC® 数字信号控制器(DSC)的1KVA的参考设计,包括主要指标,方框图和详细电路图.

Offline UPS Reference Design Using the dsPIC® DSC

An Uninterruptible Power Supply, or UPS, is an electronic device that provides an alternative electric power supply to connected electronic equipment when the primary power source is not available.

Unlike auxiliary power, a UPS can provide instant power to connected equipment, which can protect sensitive electronic devices by allowing them to shut down properly and preventing extensive physical damage. However, a UPS can only supply energy for a limited amount of time, typically 15 to 20 minutes. Although its use can extend to a virtually unlimited list of applications, in past years the UPS has become even more popular as a means of protecting computers and telecommunication equipment, thus preventing serious hardware damage and data loss.

