Cypress 公司的CY8CLED16P01 集成了动力线通信(PLC),Powerline Modem PHY和Network Protocol Stack等功能. HB LED 控制器是基于Cypress的EZ-Color 技术,为需要智能调光控制的HBLED应用提供了理想解决方案.CY8CLED16P01 支持多达16路LED,每路的分辨率高达32位.本文介绍了CY8CLED16P01的主要特性,逻辑方框图和PSoC架构,以及实现EZ-Color 解决方案的方框图和MR16灯具中的5V 产生电路, MR16灯具控制电路,PCB外形图和所用元件列表.
The CY8CLED16P01 is an integrated Powerline Communication (PLC) chip with the Powerline Modem PHY and Network Protocol Stack running on the same device. Apart from the PLC core, the CY8CPLC20 also offers Cypresss revolutionary PSoC technology that enables system designers to integrate multiple functions on the same chip.
The HB LED Controller is based on Cypresss EZ-Color™ technology. EZ-Color offers the ideal control solution for high brightness (HB) LED applications requiring intelligent dimming control. EZ-Color devices combine the power and flexibility of PSoC (Programmable System-on-Chip) with Cypresss PrISM™ (Precise Illumination Signal Modulation) modulation technology providing lighting designers a fully customizable and integrated lighting solution platform.