Atmel 公司的mXT224 是224节点高度可配置触摸屏控制器,是maXTouch产品平台中一员.该器件把专利的电荷传输器和XMEGA技术组合起来,具有真正12位的多次触摸性能,宽达4.3吋对角线屏,有224路通路,支持电极可配置的20(X)x(Y)网格线和maXTouch触目惊心键.主要用在手机,手机游戏机,个人导航仪和笔记本电脑等.本文介绍了mXT224的主要特性,应用领域和应用电路.
maXTouch™ 224-channel Touchscreen Sensor IC
The mXT224 is a 224-node highly configurable touchscreen controller which is part of Atmels maXTouch™ product platform. By combining Atmels patented Charge Transfer and XMEGA™ technologies, Atmels engineering teams have produced an optimal and scalable architecture which enables smart processing of a capacitive touch image to accurately regenerate and report the users interaction with the touchscreen.