
Linear LT3972高效2.4A DC-DC转换方案

Linear公司的LT3972是高效2.4MHz 2.4A降压DC/DC转换器,输入电压高达33V(最大62V),输出电压从0.79V到30V.器件还集成了高效95mΩ的开关以及升压Schottky二极管和所需的振荡器,控制和逻辑电路.采用恒流拓扑具有块速瞬态特性和良好的回路稳定,广泛用于汽车电池调整,分布式电源,工业电源和墙壁变压器稳压.本文介绍了LT3972主要特性,方框图,以及典型应用电路,包括5V,3.3V, 2.5V, 12V,1.8V以及5V 2MHz降压转换器电路.

The LT3972 is an adjustable frequency (200kHz to 2.4MHz) monolithic buck switching regulator that accepts input voltages up to 33V (62V Maximum). A high efficiency 95mΩ switch is included on the die along with a boost Schottky diode and the necessary oscillator, control, and logic circuitry. Current mode topology is used for fast transient response and good loop stability. Low ripple Burst Mode operation maintains high efficiency at low output currents while keeping output ripple below 15mV in a typical application. In addition, the LT3972 can further enhance low output current efficiency by drawing bias current from the output when VOUT is above 3V.

