The IRS2158D is a fully integrated, fully protected 600V ballast control IC designed to drive all types of fluorescent lamps. The IRS2158D features include programmable preheat and run frequencies, programmable preheat time, closed-loop half-bridge ignition current regulation, programmable end-of-life protection, brownout protection and low input offset op amp. The op amp can be used for dimming, current or power control. Comprehensive protection features such as protection from failure of a lamp to strike, filament failures, end-of-life protection, have been included in the design. The IRS2158D is available in both 16-pin PDIP and 16-pin narrow body SOIC packages.
IRS2158D 主要特性: Ballast control and half-bridge driver in one IC Programmable half-bridge over-current protection Programmable preheat frequency Programmable preheat time Programmable ignition ramp Programmable run frequency Closed-loop ignition current regulation..