
Linear LTC3824 4-60V输入降压DC转换器应用方案

Linear公司的LTC3824是4-60V输入的降压DC/DC转换器,集成了高压栅极驱动器,设计用来驱动外接P沟MOSFET. LTC3824的开关频率可编程至高达600kHz,并容易同步. LTC3824可配置成突发模式工作,以增加低电流时的效率,扩充电池使用时间. LTC3824可用在工业和汽车电源,通信电源以及分布电源系统.本文介绍了LTC3824的主要特性,方框图以及2V 2A和5V 2A降压转换器应用电路, 演示电路DC960电路图和所用材料清单.

The LTC3824 is a step-down DC/DC controller designed to drive an external P-channel MOSFET. With a wide input range of 4V to 60V and a high voltage gate driver, the LTC3824 is suitable for many industrial and automotive high power applications. Constant frequency current mode operation provides excellent performance.
The LTC3824 can be configured for Burst Mode operation. Burst Mode operation enhances low current efficiency (only 40μA quiescent current) and extends battery run
time. The switching frequency can be programmed up to 600kHz and is easily synchronizable.

Other features include current limit, soft-start, micropower shutdown, and Burst Mode disable. The LTC3824 is available in a 10-lead MSE power package.


Wide Input Range: 4V to 60V

Current Mode Constant Frequency PWM

Very Low Dropout Operation: 100% Duty Cycle

Programmable Switching Frequency: 200kHz to 600kHz

