
安森美NCP1013 5W LED驱动方案


The NCP101X series integrates a fixed-frequency current-mode controller and a 700 V voltage MOSFET. Housed in a PDIP7 package, the NCP101X offers everything needed to build a rugged and low-cost power supply, including soft-start, frequency jittering, short-circuit protection, skip-cycle, a maximum peak current setpoint and a Dynamic Self-Supply (no need for an auxiliary winding).

Unlike other monolithic solutions, the NCP101X is quiet by nature: during nominal load operation, the part switches at one of the available frequencies (65-100-130 kHz). When the current setpoint falls below a given value, e.g. the output power demand diminishes, the IC automatically enters the so-called skip cycle mode and provides excellent efficiency at light loads. Because this occurs at typically 1/4 of the maximum peak value, no acoustic noise takes place. As a result, standby power is reduced to the minimum without acoustic noise generation。

Built-in 700V MOSFET with Typical RdsON of 11 or 22 Ohms..

