
Powerint 3.67W LED驱动器反激设计方案

Powerint 公司的3.67W LED驱动器反激设计方案采用LinkSwitch-II 系列LNK605DG,用于LED驱动器.设计的主要亮点是采用绿色封装和高效率:满负载时整个工作范围效率大于75%,无负载是在265VAC时消耗不到200mW的功率.该设计方案能驱动3个LED串,包括有功率开关器件,振荡器,CV/CC控制引擎,起动和保护功能.本文介绍了3.67W LED驱动器反激设计方案的电路图和所用变压器的基本特性.

New Design for 3.67W LED Driver Using Flyback Topology

Design Highlights:

Green package: halogen free and RoHS compliant

Highly energy efficient

Full load efficiency >74% throughout operating range

No-load consumption <200 mW at 265 VAC

Figure 1 provides the schematic for a universal input, 10.5 V, 350 mA CV/CC power supply using the LinkSwitch-II LNK605DG (U1) in a flyback configuration, useful for LED driver applications.

The design is intended to drive a 3 LED series string, delivering the rated output current over the range of LED VF. Integrated circuit U1 consists of a power switching device, an oscillator, a CV/CC control engine, startup and protection functions. The primary side CV/CC control functionality of U1 eliminates the need for sense resistors and optocouplers, which results in an ultra-compact footprint for this design which can mechanically fit inside a GU-10 LED enclosure.

