
ADI ADP8860背景光LED电荷泵驱动方案

ADI 公司的ADP8860是集成了自动光电晶体管控制的可编程背景光LED电荷泵驱动器,能在黑暗和办公室环境光照条件下改变电流强度,从而大大地节省了电源.光强度阈值能通过I2C接口编程,有7路单独和可编程的LED驱动器(6路驱动器电流30mA,1路驱动器为60mA),可编程最大限流有128等级,待机模式电流小于1uA,主要用于移动显示器背景光和手机键盘背景光,双RGB背景光,LED指示器和小型显示器背景光.本文介绍了ADP8860的主要特性,详细的方框图以及典型应用电路,通用应用电路和带键盘光控制的ADP8860应用电路.

The ADP8860 combines a programmable backlight LED charge pump driver with automatic phototransistor control. This combi-nation allows for significant power savings because it changes the current intensity in office and dark ambient light conditions. By performing this function automatically, it eliminates the need for a processor to monitor the phototransistor.

The light intensity thresholds are fully programmable via the I2C interface. A second phototransistor input, with dedicated comparators, improves the ambient light detection levels for various user operating conditions.

