
Powerint PLC810PG 150W街灯LED照明方案

Powerint 公司的150W街灯LED照明方案是采用HiperPLC PLC810PG 器件.该器件集成了PFC和LLC控制器,140VAC时满负载PFC效率大于95%,而满负载LLC效率大于95%,输入电压高达230VAC,功率150W,主要用作街灯LED照明供电.本文介绍了参考设计DER 212的主要特性,详细电路图以及PCB布局图和所用材料清单(BOM).

150 W Power Factor Corrected LLC Power Supply Using HiperPLC (PLC810PG)

Summary and Features

Integrated PFC and LLC controller

Continuous mode PFC using small low-cost ferrite core and magnet wire

Frequency and Phase locked PFC and LLC for ripple cancellation in bulk capacitor for reduced ripple current, reduced bulk capacitor size and reduced EMI filter cost

Tight LLC duty-cycle matching

Tight LLC dead-time control

>95% full load PFC efficiency at 140 VAC using conventional ultrafast rectifier

>95% full load LLC efficiency

>92% full load system efficiency

This engineering report describes a 150 W reference design power supply for 230 VAC input LED street lights and also serves as a general purpose evaluation board for the PLC810PG

