
Infineon ILD8150 80V降压LED驱动参考设计方案

Infineon公司的ILD8150/ILD8150E是用来驱动大功率LED的80V DC/DC转换器,平均电流高达1.5A,具有一个引脚进行模拟调光和PWM调光的混合调光LED方法.PWM输入信号在250Hz和20kHz,模拟模式控制LED电流从100%到12.5%,混合模式控制LED电流从12.5%到0.5%,无闪烁调频频率3.4kHz.高分辨率的数字调光检测使得能和微控制器完美匹配,并具有高质量调光应用.ILD8150/ILD8150E集成了具有低RON的80V高边MOSFET,逐个周期电流限制,并具有欠压锁住,超温保护等特性,无闪烁等特性,下拉晶体管可避免LED发出暗淡的光.工作电压8V-80V.主要用在LED照明的电子控制装置(ECG).本文介绍了ILD8150/ILD8150E主要特性,框图和DC/DC降压恒流电路图,以及80V高边降压驱动器参考设计主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The ILD8150 is a 80 V DC/DC converter IC for LED applications to drive high-power LEDs. For applicationsoperating close to SELV limits it provides a high safety voltage margin. The buck LED driver IC is tailored forLEDs in general lighting applications with average currents up to 1.5 A using a high-side integrated switch. Acomplete set of features and protections provide a well fit for professional LED lighting solutions.

Performance and innovation

The hysteretic current control provides an extremely fast regulation and stable LED current combined with goodEMI performance. The efficiency of the LED driver is remarkable high due to the low RON of the internal switch.

