
ST LED1202 12路低静态电流LED驱动解决方案

ST公司的LED1202是12路低静态电流LED驱动器,保证了5V输出驱动功能,而每路能提供高达20 mA和电压裕度仅为350mV.每路的输出电流由8位模拟和12位数字调光控制来单独调整.慢开时间和慢关时间提高了系统的低噪音性能,而移相功能有助于降低浪涌电流,八种模式存储在内部寄存器而不需要MCU干预进行自动定序.器件的1.8V兼容的I²C接口基于快速模式指标,工作高达400kHz.工作电压2.6V-5V,每路的电流能力20mA,16mA时的12路的电流匹配度1%,2.5mA时的匹配度2%,8位模拟调光单独控制,12位本地PWM分辨率.LED1202具有LED开路检测和超温保护.主要用在RGB照明如可穿戴电子学,电池供电设备和手持附件.本文介绍了LED1202主要特性,框图和驱动器电路框图,以及评估板STEVAL-LLL007V1主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The LED1202 is a 12-channel low quiescent current LED driver; it guarantees 5 V output driving capability and each channel is able to provide up to 20 mA with a headroom voltage of 350 mV (typ.) only. The output current can be adjusted separately for each channel by 8-bit analog and 12-bit digital dimming control.

A slow turn-on and turn-off time improves the system low noise generation performance; moreover, the phase shifting function helps to reduce the inrush current. Eight patterns can be stored in the internal registers for automatic sequencing without MCU intervention...

