
Maxim MAX32625超低功耗高性能可穿戴开发平台

Maxim公司的MAX32625是具有FPU的超低功耗高性能ARM Cortex-M4 MCU,内部振荡器频率高达96MHz,集成了512KB闪存,160JB SRAM,8KB指令缓存,1.2V核电压,1.8V-3.3V I/O,可选择3.3V ±5% USB电源,具有低功耗4MHz振荡器用作常开的监视应用,主要用在运动手表,健身监视器,可穿戴医疗贴件,手持医疗设备和传感器集线器.本文介绍了MAX32625主要优势和特性,功能框图,时钟图以及用来评估的开发平台MAX32625MBED主要特性,电路图和材料清单.

The MAX32625/MAX32626 are ARM® Cortex®-M4with FPU-based microcontrollers, ideal for the emergingcategory of wearable medical and fitness applications.

The architecture combines ultra-low power,high-efficiency signal processing functionality and easeof use. An internal 96MHz oscillator provides highperformance capability, and the internal 4MHz oscillatorsupports minimal power consumption for applicationsrequiring always-on monitoring. The device provides512kB of flash and 160kB of SRAM.

The device features four powerful and flexible powermodes. A peripheral management unit (PMU) enablesintelligent peripheral control with up to six channels tosignificantly reduce power consumption. Built-in dynamicclock gating and firmware-controlled power gating allowsthe user to optimize power for the specific application.

