NXP Semiconductors today introduced the AXP logic family designed for high-performance, low-voltage and low-power applications. The new AXP family is fully specified at the 0.8-volt supply range, making it the industry’s fastest family of devices with the lowest power consumption and highest output drive. Currently available in the smallest MicroPak (leadless) packages, designers now have an excellent balance of power, speed and packaging in standard logic.
“Historically, designers had the choice of selecting either very low power or high speed for standard logic, but not both at low-voltage levels like 1.2 volt,” said Clifford Lloyd, business development director for NXP Semiconductors’ logic business line. “Using an AXP device, engineers can avoid having to make trade-offs between power consumption and speed. AXP logic devices now offer the market a no-compromise solution with their unique combination of low power and high speed.”
Configurable logic devices in the AXP family can perform different logic functions, thereby reducing bill-of-material part count, cost and qualification effort, as well as enabling a smaller package footprint, which is vital in portable devices. Ideally suited for leading-edge portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, digital cameras, and portable medical devices where longer battery life is critical, the AXP’s low-power and high-performance logic family minimizes system power dissipation and conserves battery life.
Features of AXP devices
Very low dynamic power dissipation (CPD) tpd of 2.9 ns at Vcc of 1.8 V Wide supply voltage range (0.7 V to 2.75 V) Fully specified at 0.8 V Schmitt-trigger action on all inputs 4.5 mA balanced output drive Over-voltage tolerant I/Os Fully specified (-40 to +85 °C) Pb-free, RoHS compliant and Dark GreenAvailability
The AXP devices will be sampling in July 2013. Recommended distribution unit pricing for AXP products starts at US $0.35 per unit for 1,000, US $0.25 for 10,000 and US $0.10 for 100,000 piece quantities.