
PowerInt SID1183K单路IGBT和MOSFET驱动方案

PowerInt公司的SID1183K是eSOP封装的单路IGBT和MOSFET驱动器,采用创新的固态隔离器FluxLink技术的电隔离.峰值输出驱动电流8A,其它特性包括具有先进软关断(ASSD)的短路保护(DESAT),欠压锁住(UVLO),适合于1700V IGBT和MOSFET开关,开关频率高达75kHz,传输时延260ns,传输时延抖动±5 ns,工作温度-40℃ 到125℃,主要用在通用和伺服驱动,UPS,太阳能,焊接逆变器和电源.本位介绍了SID1183K产品亮点,框图和应用电路,以及采用SCALE™- iDriver SID1183K的通用基板参考设计主要特性,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.

The SID1183K is a single channel IGBT and MOSFET driver in an eSOP package. Galvanic isolation is provided by Power Integrations’ innovative solid insulator FluxLink technology. The up to 8 A peak output drive current enables the product to drive devices up to 600 A without requiring any additional active components. For gate drive requirements that exceed the stand-alone capability of the SID1183K, an external booster may be added. Stable positive and negative voltages for gate control are provided by one unipolar isolated voltage source.

Additional features are short-circuit protection (DESAT) with Advanced Soft Shut Down (ASSD), undervoltage lock-out (UVLO) for primary-side and secondary-side and rail-to-rail output with temperature and process compensated output impedance guarantee safe operation even in harsh conditions.

